Health: Stem Cell Breakthrough Highlights Adult Stem Cell Promise, says Christian Drapeau

Discovery reveals optimal wellness key reports author scientist Christian Drapeau 

Los Angeles, CA (Vocus) April 17, 2010 -- The most promising future of stem cell research is linked to Adult Stem Cells rather than embryonic because of a recent breakthrough in understanding the function of these cells, according to scientist Christian Drapeau, author of Cracking the Stem Cell Code (Sutton Hart Press 2010).

Drapeau reports the discovery that a body’s own stem cells (these are “adult stem cells”) can travel to any tissue or organ needing repair or renewal, replicate and then become healthy cells of that tissue. “This changes the whole paradigm of human health and wellness”.

“If we simply support adult stem cells in their function of repair and renewal by supporting their release from the bone marrow, instead of taking them out of the body and modifying them in a lab, it gives access to stem cell technology to a much greater number of people to a much lower cost” said Christian Drapeau. “In this manner their immense potential can also be realized in a much safer manner.”

Drapeau explains:

Recent studies indicate that if we can increase the number of stem cells in circulation, this enhances the body’s ability to maintain the health of all tissues and organs. “It’s the best strategy and platform to tap into the natural repair/renewal system of the body.”

“Almost every disease results from the loss of a specific type of cells: diabetes results from the loss of insulin producing cells; Parkinsons from loss of dopamine-producing cells in the brain; hyperthyroidism from loss of cells in the thyroid gland; macular degeneration from the loss of cells in the retina and so on” explains Drapeau.

“But losing cells is not in itself the problem, we can renew the various tissues of the body and we actually do this constantly.”

The scientist reports that the body naturally constantly renews itself. For example the body creates a new lining of the intestine every five days, a new lung every few years, and a new heart every fifteen or twenty years, so the body is in a constant process of tissue turnover. “This means that in theory, at 60 a person has had few hearts. So the problem is not losing cells, but rather out ability to replace them and repair tissues. Health is a balance between cellular loss and tissue renewal. Anything we can do to support stem cell functions in the body will assist the body in maintaining health. Our newly expanded understanding of the function of a body’s own stem cells gives us a roadmap to improve so many conditions and clearly show that Adult Stem Cells are the preferred way to make that happen.”

About Christian Drapeau
Christian is America’s best known advocate for Adult Stem Cell research and the health applications of Adult Stem Cell science. He is the author of The Stem Cell Theory (2009) and the best seller Cracking the Stem Cell Code (Sutton Hart Press 2010) Christian co-founded Southern California-based STEMTech HealthSciences, a multinational research and supplement manufacturing-distribution firm focused on adult stem cell science and stem cell nutrition. A featured Mensa national event speaker, Christian holds a BS in Neurophysiology from McGill University and a Master of Science in Neurology and Neurosurgery from the Montreal Neurological Institute. You can get more information about Christian by visiting his site:

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